Wednesday, September 27, 2017

IT'S BEEN A WHILE!!!! A few years, actually! Let me show you a little of what I've done since 2014...

These little salt pigs have really been a big hit; I could barely keep up with demand for these.  I just love the pudgy little rounded shape.  They were super fun to throw on the wheel.  Once they were leather hard dried, I was able to achieve the "tipped" structure by gently dropping them on their sides so they would sit flat at an angle.  After that, I was able to hand build their cute little ears and tails.  I really enjoyed trying out different glazes on these guys and tried to think of what the popular colors are in my prospective customers' kitchens.  I guess I chose wisely because they've all sold!

I've also tried my hand (well, hands!) at making yarn bowls. I had never heard of a yarn bowl until my friend introduced me to the concept.  This particular bowl was thrown in porcelain with a space around the middle where I was able to add some texture. I got some iron oxide into the chatter marks and then glazed it over with a clear glaze in that area with a soft yellow glaze over the rest of it.  Overall it turned out well, however I really envisioned the chatter marks to have more texture, but the glaze really obliterated that effect. My lesson learned is that chattering should either not be covered in glaze and if I want to add color to the area, it should be stained in a red iron oxide instead of the black.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Working on mugs

I've been throwing various mugs to see which I like best. I made these all out of porcelain. Drying times are so different from stoneware. It seems I have a very small window of opportunity to attach handles but I'm starting to learn the characteristics of that medium.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sugar Bowl And Creamer Pitcher

I've been checking on my recent pots that I've thrown the past few days and today they were finally ready for trimming, knobs, and handles. I'm happy with the results, but I'll continue to try to make the best pitcher. I want to make one with the perfect no-drip spout and the most comfortable handle. Practice, practice, and more practice. I just talked to my friend "M", (we'll call her that for the sake of the blog, she likes her privacy); she encourages me so much in my pottery. I always feel so elated and ready to hit the wheel when our conversations end. Do you have friends like that? If not, I suggest you get some! They're indispensable. I want to make her a really nice porcelain vase for a Christmas gift this year. She has a beautiful home with an ingenious shelving system flanking one side of her fireplace where the cubbyholes are each lit with a light so she can display her treasures there.  I guess I better start imagining this vase! Time to relax with a cup of herbal tea. Good night blogger friends. I appreciate you.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Porcelain Goblet

This sweet little bouquet was part of a larger bouquet of gorgeous flowers from my son, for my birthday. I rescued them from fading too quickly by cutting the end freshly and putting them in this porcelain goblet I threw in one piece and glazed in this "Grandma's Eyes" light transparent blue.

Friday, September 6, 2013

What have I been up to lately?!

So many wonderful things happening lately, at least in my mind, but then that's usually how it goes with "artists".  I find it hard to call myself an artist. I think because my mother is such a wonderful artist and I have a long way to go. I'm enjoying the process though! My little Blooms' End Studio, aka the corner of the garage, in whatever house we happen to be living in, has drawn me to it many times this summer.  I'm learning the chatter mark technique from watching YouTube and the thought of it just gets my heart racing! My younger son made me a wonderful tool out of a spackling  knife to create pretty marks on my pots, depending on how I hold it and what angle as well as how much pressure I put on it. My first two pieces turned out so well that I went on to make 11 coffee mugs!

Of course, these were my first attempts at chattering so I'll develop my own style as I practice more. These pieces were thrown from groggy stoneware so the chattering is not defined enough, in my opinion Sooooo... I decided to give it a try on butter smooth porcelain! Stay tuned!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pottery class begins on Wednesday

Can't wait! Class begins Wednesday. I'm excited to learn to throw a really good dinner plate.